Continuing Professional Development

BIGGA is dedicated to providing opportunities for our members to develop new skills and knowledge, which will ensure UK-based greenkeepers remain at the forefront of education and training provision for turf professionals. 

Well-qualified, confident and accomplished greenkeepers are key to the promotion of the profession and the ambition to achieve greater respect across the golf industry and wider public. By committing to CPD, BIGGA members identify themselves as competent and motivated turf professionals.

Access your CPD account

CPD is a benchmark for:

  • Professionalism
  • Maintaining, improving and broadening your knowledge and skills
  • The development of personal qualities that you will need to be successful throughout your career

Every member of BIGGA is automatically enrolled onto the BIGGA CPD programme. Your CPD account can be accessed via the BIGGA website and will become Active as soon as you claim your first credit.

CPD credits can be gained on a massive range of activities, many of which you'll already be doing without realising. You could be reading Greenkeeper International, playing in a golf day or learning a new language. All these and more are opportunities to log CPD credits that will set you on your way to achieving CPD Approved status.

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Why CPD?

CPD is a strategy to help you succeed and continue succeeding.

  • Update your skills and knowledge
  • Boost your confidence
  • Strengthen your professional credibility
  • Ensure your employer has a competent and well-motivated employee
Benefits for the individual
  • Opportunities for career advancement
  • Personal development
  • Proficiency
  • Confidence
  • Engagement with the wider industry
  • Networking
  • Recognition
  • Quality standard
  • Adapt outdated skills
  • In touch with changes in legislation
Benefits for the employer
  • Professional staff
  • Proficiency
  • Efficiency
  • Confidence in staff ability
  • Updated and informed staff
  • Motivated team
  • Valued team

All members have their own CPD account. To access it, log into the website, click on the Continuing Professional Development button, then click the 'Sign in to CPD' button.

On the CPD homepage there are downloadable documents that will guide you through the programme and show you how to use the CPD online recording software.

How to access your CPD account


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Find out more


The BIGGA CPD Programme is a rolling three-year programme.

The credit value is 1 credit per hour for formal education events.

Your CPD activity will be recognised by two levels:

BIGGA CPD Active Member

When you register and start your education you will become a BIGGA CPD Active Member.

BIGGA CPD Approved Member

Once you have achieved 60 credits within your three-year, programme, you will be a BIGGA CPD Approved Member. Any credits you gain over 60 will be carried over into the next three-year programme. All credits contribute towards your CPD Milestone.

To maintain your Approved status you must continue to gain a minimum of 60 CPD credits within your next three-year period

You will be recognised with a BIGGA CPD Approved certificate, which you can access and print out through your CPD account. You will be acknowledged in Greenkeeper International and in the Members' Area of the BIGGA website.

All BIGGA CPD credits will be recorded in your Lifetime Transcript, This is a list of all the CPD you have carried out during your time with BIGGA.

Milestones will be recognised and awarded for achieving 180 credits and at increments of 180 credits thereafter. You can print out a certificate through your CPD account. Additionally, your name and club will be acknowledged in Greenkeeper International and on the BIGGA website. You will also receive a framed certificate at BTME.

If you have any queries regarding your CPD account, please contact Deb Burnett on 01347 666 580 or email: [email protected]

Ways to claim CPD credits

Education credits

Seminars (1 credit per hour)
Workshops (1 credit per hour)
Presenting at Section, Region, national events (2 credits per hour)
Level 2 WBD/SVQ (45 credits per qualification)
Level 3 WBD/SVQ (50 credits per qualification)
Level 4 WBD/SVQ (55 credits per qualification)
Foundation degree (5 credits per module)
Entire foundation degree (80 credits)
BSc degree (5 credits per module)
Entire BSc degree (110 credits)
Master's degree (115 credits)
Machinery/product demonstrations (1 credit)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Accessing a Tree Using a Rope and Harness and City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Aerial Tree Rescue Operations (previously called CS38) (25 credits)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross Cutting (previously called CS30) (15 credits)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm (previously called CS31) (20 credits)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 2 Award in the Safe Use of a Powered Pole Pruner (previously called CS48) (15 credits)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Aerial Cutting of Trees with a Chainsaw Using Free-Fall Techniques (20 credits)
City & Guilds NPTC Level 3 Award in Felling and Processing Trees Over 380mm (previously called CS32) (20 credits)
Abrasive Wheels Course (5 credits)
NPTC Certificates of Competence (5 credits per day)
Lantra Award (5 credits per day)
PA1 (5 credits)
PA2a (5 credits)
PA6a (5 credits)
First Aid (5 credits per day)
Health & Safety updates (1 credit per hour)
Fire awareness training (1 credit per hour)
Manual handling training (1 credit per hour)
IOSH Working Safely (5 credits)
WBD/SNVQ assessment work (1 credit per hour)
Submitting a book/magazine review (1 credit)

Professional credits

Support team volunteering, run by BIGGA (1 credit per day)
Attendance at AGMs (1 credit)
Member of Section/Region/national committees (1 credit per meeting)
BIGGA feedback questionnaires (1 credit)
Master Greenkeeper service (1 credit per hour)

Personal learning credits

Examples of personal learning claims: All require a personal learning statement except reading magazine articles
Coaching or mentoring within the industry (3 credits)
Coaching or mentoring outside the industry (3 credits)
Reading magazine/articles (1 credit)
Writing magazine articles (3 credits)
Volunteer work - not greenkeeper related (3 credits)
Learning a different language (3 credits)
An event or experience that provides valuable knowledge or understanding that can be used to benefit your personal or professional development (3 credits)

Networking credits

Attendance at other exhibitions - whole event, not per day (1 credit)
Attendance at BTME - whole event, not per day (2 credits) 
Course walks (1 credit per event)
Section golf events (1 credit per event)
Other networking opportunity (1 credit)


Associated Documents

CPD Handbook V2 Welcome to CPD Letter Personal Learning Statement


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