First Green STEM Field Trip - Dudley Golf Club

Turner's Hill, Rowley Regis B65 9DP
10:30AM - 2:00PM, 28 Aug 2024

Together with The Grace Mary to Lion Farm (GM2LF) Big Local, Dudley Golf Club will host a First Green STEM field trip on 28th August 2024 with local families.  The Grace Mary to Lion Farm (GM2LF) Big Local is one of 150 community–led groups throughout England and Wales who have been granted £1million to be spent over 10 years. The GM2LF Charity is a charity benefiting communities particularly, though not exclusively, in the Grace Mary to Lion Farm area in Oldbury and Rowley, Sandwell. The charity undertakes a wide range of social welfare related activities with an aim to improving facilities and service provision for people living, working and volunteering in the area.


If you would like to come along to this First Green event taking place near you to see what it looks like, how it works and to get some ideas on how you could run one at your Club or facility, please register below so we can advise the Club who will be attending.  You do not have to stay for the whole session but staying for a couple of hours would benefit you and there will be CPD credits awarded for attending.




Please confirm!