Turfgrass and Weed identification

4:00PM - 5:00PM, 7 Jul 2020

This webinar will examine how to use the morphological features to help in the identification of turf grasses and weeds. It will examine the most common weeds found on UK Golf Courses and the main grass genus as well as their seed. Additionally it will discuss control measures and how certain weed types can inform the greenkeeper on soil and ground conditions. If you can’t tell your Cats-ear from your Taraxacum officinale then this is the session for you.

Apprentices on the new level 2 standard must carry out the task of turf grass identification (15 weeds, 5 grasses plus 4 seeds from these grasses) as part of the End Point Assessment (EPA) practical and this webinar will address this part of the EPA. 

Presented by Andy Wight, Head of Work Based Learning for the Land Based Industries, Oaklands College

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Andy Wight has worked in Sports Turf for over 39 years. With a background in the industry he has worked on winter and summer sports as well golf reaching the level of Course Manager before leaving the industry to join Oaklands College.

For over 20 years Andy has been involved in the writing of learning materials for Level 2 and 3, helping in both the development of the GTC Training Manual and Greenkeeping Apprenticeships. He is an Independent End Point assessor for the Level 2 Golf Greenkeeper Apprenticeship Standard and is currently Head of Department overseeing Greenkeeping and Sports Turf apprenticeships at Oaklands College in Hertfordshire.


Link for BIGGA members to watch now


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Meet the 2024 Toro student award finalists


Toro, Reesink UK and BIGGA are proud to reveal the 10 members who have earned a place in the finals of the Toro Student Greenkeeper of the Year Awards 2024.


Meet the Finalists - 2024