Opinions sought to shape future of turf higher education

12 December 2023 Announcement

The Sports Turf Trailblazer Group is seeking opinions relating to a proposed new Level 5 Sports Turf Technical Manager Apprenticeship with the option of including a Sports Turf Foundation Degree.

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In October 2023, a new Level 3 Advanced Sports Turf Technician Apprenticeship was made available.  This new progression route builds on the Level 2 Sports Turf Operatives or Level 2 Greenkeeping and supports those seeking to develop their supervisory skills, knowledge and behaviours in sports turf. 

Based on the role and duties of a sports turf manager, IFATE has now recognised that a continued progression route to a higher Level 5 apprenticeship qualification in sports turf may be needed. 

To understand the knowledge, skills and behaviours for a Level 5 sports turf manager, IFATE has launched a survey to canvas industry opinion. If you have a vested interest in sports turf, sports turf operatives (greenkeepers) and general management of sports turf (any sport that uses a predominantly natural grass surface), then please complete the survey.

Complete the survey here

Further to this, the survey is looking for opinions on whether it makes sense to utilise an existing Level 5 university sports turf qualification as an educational programme towards achieving a Level 5 Sports Turf Technical Manager apprenticeship.  Specifically, is a Foundation Degree in Sports Turf Management the best approach?

Why a foundation degree?  

The newly developed recommended ‘duties’ of a Level 5 Sports Turf Technical Manager indicated a role that is based on science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM). The Foundation Degree in Sports Turf is a longstanding STEM-based higher education sports turf qualification. Therefore, the existence of the foundation degree is potentially readymade to meet this need.

Over 200 sports turf professionals have completed the foundation degree since 2013 and just over 50 have progressed further and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree. It appears to be a successful qualification for technical sports turf professionals, however there may be barriers preventing more individuals from achieving this qualification, such as university tuition fees. 

Why apprenticeships? 

Completion of a formal apprenticeship is a recognised qualification that confirms that an individual has undertaken at least a year of training and education and has sat an independently assessed and regulated examination, known as an End-Point Assessment. The UK Government is generating funding to incentivise and meet the costs of this training for employers.   

If the survey finds a belief that the Foundation Degree in Sports Turf Management has a valuable part of Level 5 Apprenticeship for Sports Turf, then there is a good case to include this qualification. 

How much will it cost? 

In summary, a Level 5 apprentice’s employer could access about a 95-100% reduction in the fees.  An apprentice would have no fee.  An employer would need to facilitate an average of six hours a week for an apprentice’s off-the-job training.

Please complete the survey if you would like to contribute on the future of sports turf education and training for higher level apprenticeships.

Complete the survey here


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