England Golf CLUB Governance Guide Version 2.0 LINKS.pdf

BIGGA 31 October 2019 Governance

BIGGA has worked alongside the governing bodies for golf in the UK to issue a new governance guide for clubs in the ongoing drive to modernise and grow the game.

Key stakeholders across the sport recognise the value of improving the organisation and structures of clubs in order to maximise their potential for profitability and growth.

England Golf, Scottish Golf and Wales Golf are committed to inspiring good governance within the game and have joined forces with  BIGGA, The Golf Club Managers’ Association (GCMA), The Professional Golfers’ Association (PGA), The R&A, Scottish Golf and Wales Golf to provide this invaluable resource for all clubs to consider.

By co-ordinating a unified approach to good governance and setting this out in an easy-to-read format in the second edition of the guide, clubs the length and breadth of the country will now benefit from a strong template which can either be adopted or adapted to meet needs of individual organisations.

The document provides tools, activities, discussion points and best practice ideas for clubs to take on board.

It will also provide clear signposting for clubs in order that they may face the future with confidence. Clubs can find pointers on how best to tackle the challenges of an evolving membership structure, constantly-changing legal requirements and all-important safeguarding procedures.

A well-run club is a thriving club and the ‘9-holes of Excellent Governance’ feature of the new guide will help clubs to improve sustainability both financially and administratively.

In an ever-changing marketplace, clubs can learn to manage resources, effectively recruit for staff and committee positions and meet the needs of members and golf consumers by following the good governance blueprint.

Clubs – no matter how large or small their membership, how modern or traditional their facilities – can learn how to set their own standards of excellence to drive improvement and, at the same time, develop the culture of the organisation.

The varied case studies from England, Scotland and Wales also provide real-time reference points to demonstrate the practical benefits of adopting good practice at all levels of club management.


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