Continue to Learn Extra 2021
You will be able to access on demand videos of webinars from the Continue to Learn Extra series here and in the Resource Library following the live events.
Continue to Learn Extra series 2021
National Regional Conference 2020
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On demand webinars for BIGGA members to view - series 2
On demand webinars for BIGGA members to view - series 1
Using turfgrass defence responses to control disease….Resistance is not futile!
Working with BIGGA’s education supporter, Rain Bird, we are pleased to bring to you the Continue to Learn Extra Irrigation education series.
Presented by Alastair Higgs and Stuart Tate.

Alastair has over 19 years of industry experience, with the majority of his time spent in turf management. For 9 years he was a Course Manager in Surrey and Berkshire. His career includes experience in members, private, groups and hotel clubs. This led him to explore the word of club management completing his CMdip in 2015. In 2016 he left the club world joining the world’s leading irrigation corporation Rain Bird Europe.
His current role is Golf District Manager for the UK, Ireland & Iceland, this involves day to day management of partners, both distributor and contracting and also to proactively support the industry promoting the ‘Intelligent use of water’.

Stuart has been in the irrigation business since 1989. He has held a variety of roles including designer, engineer, site manager and consultant and has worked with all the major irrigation manufacturers equipment.
Stuart is the font of all knowledge supporting the sales team, Rain Bird distributors and clients.
Rain Bird Series 1&2
C2L Extra Irrigation Series Episode 2: Modern irrigation system components
C2L Extra Irrigation Series Episode 3: How rotors work and the effect of basic rotor set up
C2L Extra Irrigation Series Episode 4: Rotor spacing, precipitation rate, run-times and water volumes
C2L Extra Irrigation Series Episode 5: Introduction into irrigation hydraulics
C2L Extra Irrigation Series Episode 6: Irrigation control systems technologies
Germinal Amenity
Using iron sulphate and N rates to control fusarium on poa annua putting greens