Banner image - Brittany Lennon, Beauport Park Golf Club
The BIGGA mobile app for anyone!
- Find out more about BIGGA and what's on offer
- Members get access to the best of BIGGA membership, anytime, anywhere.
- Easily check and update your account, view valuable membership benefits and services such as the HR Helpline, Confidential Counselling and Xtra Benefits.
- Get up to date resources to help you identify and deal with problems on your golf course.
- Get notifications about events, webinars, competitions and other useful information directly to your phone.
The BIGGA App is better for logged in members
- Before you can log into your account with the app - you need to log into the members area of the BIGGA Website with your membership number or email address.
(If you already have a member account on - follow the steps below to access your membership through the app)

In the BIGGA App:
2. Click in the 'Account - not logged in' box in the app
(Find this screen via 'the burger' in an android phone or the 'menu' button on an iPhone)

3. Register with the BIGGA app using the email address you use for your BIGGA membership by clicking on 'Send Link'

4. Check your email and click on the verification link sent to you

5. Re-open the BIGGA App, you should see your name at the top of the main menu and the 'MEMBERS ONLY' menu which includes:
- My Account
- Member Services and Benefits
- Continuing Professional Development.
*Some devices may not support this action
Contact us if you need help.

Our non- member friends can register to get additional web-user benefits here.
BIGGA Friends