Environmental and safety concerns

Golf course maintenance in a changing climate

Climate change is reshaping the way golf courses are maintained, presenting new challenges for greenkeepers worldwide. Rising temperatures, unpredictable weather patterns and extreme conditions like droughts and flooding are affecting turf health and playability. Beyond course conditions, these changes also introduce potential safety concerns, from heat stress for workers to storm-related hazards. This page explores the real-world impact of climate change on golf course maintenance, sharing stories of how greenkeepers are adapting with sustainable practices, innovative solutions and resilience. Learn how the industry is tackling these challenges to protect both the game and those who care for it.

Impact of climate change on golf courses

How changing weather patterns affect maintenance

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The golf course that's falling into the sea


Fred Yelverton Your Course.jpg
Five ways climate change is affecting the UK's golf courses


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The turf disease thriving on climate change


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Round table: storms, droughts and mild winters


Weather and rainfall management

Adapting to varying weather conditions and managing rainfall

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Why drought conditions are nothing to worry about


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How extreme weather impacts your golf course


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Why drought conditions are nothing to worry about


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Why are greenkeepers obsessed with the weather?



Golf course chemicals: safety and risks

Assessing the safety and environmental impact of chemicals used in course maintenance

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How the removal of chemicals will alter the way your course looks


Pest management 

Identifying and mitigating the impact of pests on the course

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The tiny beetles causing massive damage to your golf course

Tree management

Greenkeepers have an important role in managing trees around the golf course with considerations for safety, playability and ecology

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The importance of tree management at your course




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