Seasonal course management

The changing seasons of golf course maintenance

Golf courses are living landscapes that evolved with the seasons, requiring year-round care to stay in top condition. From the lush growth of spring to the challenges of winter frost, every season brings unique tasks for greenkeepers. This page explores how golf course maintenance adapts throughout the year, featuring stories of the dedicated professionals who keep fairways pristine, greens smooth and courses playable in (almost) all weather. Discover the science, skill and hard work behind seasonal maintenance and gain a deeper appreciation for the ever-changing beauty of the game.


The course is looking its best - but we're still looking ahead...

Downland summer Your Course.jpg
What does a downland greenkeeper do in summer?
Your Course links summer.jpg
What does a links greenkeeper do in summer?
Your Course heathland summer.jpg

What does a heathland greenkeeper do in summer?

Your Course parkland.jpg
What does a parkland greenkeeper do in summer?


In the deep, dark winter, there's much work still to be done...

Great Barr Your Course.jpg
Preparing for winter at a regular parkland course
Noel MacKenzie Your Course.jpg
As the weather cools, expectations must follow suit


Carnoustie winter Your Course.jpg
Why winter is incredibly important at golf courses
Frost damage Your Course graphic.jpg
Should you play on winter greens when it's frosty?
Winter greens graphic
Winter greens - the arguments for and against
Orkney Golf Club in snow
How you can support your greenkeeper this winter
Winter greens Your Course graphic.jpg

Why do some clubs use winter greens, but others don’t?

Links winter Your Course graphic.jpg
A greenkeeper's take on links golf in winter
Parkland winter Your Course.jpg
How this championship team protects a parkland course in winter
Your Course Heathland winter.jpg
Is it OK to play a heathland course in winter?
Downland winter Your Course.jpg
How a downland course comes out of winter in good shape

Spring and autumn transition

Preparing the course for seasonal changes...

Autumn Your Course Parkland.jpg
How does a parkland course prepare for summer?
Summer Your Course links.jpg
How does a links course prepare for summer?
Leaves on a golf course
Why autumn is so important on the golf course
Autumn Your Course downland.jpg
How does a downland course prepare for summer?
Heathland Your Course summer.jpg
How does a heathland course prepare for summer?


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