Reesink Turfcare UK Ltd - Toro Golf Commercial

1-3 Station Road, St Neots, Cambridgeshire, PE19 1QH, United Kingdom

01480 226 800

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Global leader in innovative turfcare machinery and equipment, Toro offers golf clubs a full turf maintenance package including professional‑performance mowers, utility vehicles, bunker rakes, aerators, sprayers and topdressers. For the brand that spearheaded the journey towards electric power, 2022 is all about Toro’s range of all‑electric and hybrid mowing and utility vehicles.

There’s the industry’s first electric riding mower, the Greensmaster eTriFlex 3370; the fixed‑head Greensmaster e1021 pedestrian mower and the Workman GTX‑e utility vehicle. And representing the hybrid range is the ever‑popular Reelmaster 5010‑H and Greensmaster TriFlex 3420. From fine‑cut cylinder mowers to heavy‑duty rotaries, to sprayers, aerators and utility vehicles and versatile compact tractors, distributor Reesink Turfcare brings you the UK’s most comprehensive turfcare machinery offering. 


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